A white paper simply means an authoritative report or document informing readers about a certain complex issue. The Devonshire white paper therefore was the document that contained the decision made by the British secretary of colonies in 1923, resolving the conflicted interests in Kenya between the Natives and immigrants.
It is generally pointed out that the East African societies under the British domination, including Kenya, were composed of the three distinctively different racial or ethnic communities, that is, the white settlers backed up by the colonial government, the Asians and the native Africans. And these three groups were said to have occupied a distinct political, economic and social status. Only Africans who are the indigenous, while the rest were immigrants. In the struggle to occupy political and economic dominion in Kenya, the conflicts of interests emerged between the Europeans and Asians. The events leading the publication of Devonshire white paper can be traced to the demands of the settlers in Kenya. Being disgruntled by the increasing influx of Asians in Kenya, settlers in 1923 sent the delegation to meet with the colonial secretary, who was Duke of Devonshire by then. Later, Asians sent their delegation to demand for their interests.

Settlers demanded several things, among of which was to have self-government to be granted to them under minority rule, to stop Asians from purchasing land in the Kenya highlands, and to generally stop Asians from immigrating to Kenya.

However, when the Asians learnt of this they also sent their delegation too, to represent their demands. These were; to have political representation in the LEGCo, and to be allowed to purchase land in the Kenya-whites highland

On the other side, the missionaries who were sympathetic to the Africans, sent Dr. Arthur to be an observer in the talks, demanding Africans representation the LEGCo.
What reasons or circumstances led to Devonshire White Paper?

Dispute over land ownership. A conflict of interest in relation to land between African and European settlers and between European settler and Asians, led to the Devonshire White Paper of 1923. Asians wanted to purchase land in the white highlands, but settlers denied. It aimed to settle land issue among all classes.

Degraded status of African natives. Africans were made squatters on their own land. They were dehumanized by both classes. The declaration intended to solve this problem.

Racial sentiment among classes. There was strong racial practices between Asians and Europeans, where by each class declared to be superior. This prompted the issuance of declaration.

Inability of colonial state to settle issues of coloniesnecessited interference by British colonial office through the declaration.

Interference on economic arena between white settlers and Asians especially trade. Each class regarded itself as sole controller of economy.
As already noted previously, the rivalry between Asians and European communities over the issue of land and political representation led to the summoning of the conference in 1923 in London by Duke of Devonshire, the secretary of colonies. After listening to the demands, duke of Devonshire wrote documents that came to be known as the Devonshire White Paper, in which he set out the government position on the matter. Over the matter, the following were agreed;

The interests of the Africans were to be important to those of immigrants races. The document principally upheld the interest of Africans. It provided that: “Primarily Kenya is an African territory…………....that the interests of the African population must be paramount, and that if and when those interests and the interests of the migrant races conflict the former should prevail.”

The Kenyan highlands were exclusively reserved for white settlers. The Asians’ wish to be allowed to buy land in white Highlands was dashed, and white highlands were reserved areas for whites. Asians were not allowed to purchase land in that area.

Africans were allowed to have representation in the Legislative Council. A missionary would be nominated to the LEGCo to represent the interests of the Africans. And here, Dr. Arthur was elected to represent Africans, until 1944 when Eliud Mathu became the first African representative.

The Indians would elect representatives to the Legislative council. Although the document denied Asians demand to be allowed to purchase land in settler reserved areas, it granted them with the rights to have representation in the LEGCo.

Racial segregation in all the residential areas plus restrictions on immigration were abolished. Firstly, all elements of racial segregations were abolished, secondly settlers’ claim to restrict Asians immigration into the colony was dashed, and Asians were allowed to continue immigrating to Kenya.
The resulting White Paper satisfied neither of the protagonists. Whites in the colony felt betrayed by the paper as they did not achieve their goals for self-government, and that it allowed Asians to continue immigrating to Kenya. On the other side, Asians were disappointed because they were not allowed to settle in the white highlands and have political equality with the whites.
Note:although under the declaration of the Devonshire White Paper, the interests of the Africans were given priority in the case of a conflict with other races, it did not change African plight. It only provided as principle, but in practice the interest of Africans were not upheld, but of white settlers.
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