Collaboration was a way of reacting against imposition of colonial rule where by African societies cooperated with Europeans invaders. African societies used the method to oppose colonial rule by welcoming or making cooperation with the colonialists against indigenous [fellow] enemies and conducting treaties so as to get support and preserve their interests against their enemies.
Therefore collaboration simply means, Africans welcomed Europeans in order to get their support. For example Maasai, Buganda and Lozi collaborated with colonialists as the way to avoid their control.

i. Poor/weak military power
Some societies had poor military power compared to the colonialists; therefore they decided to cooperate with them in the opposing manner.
ii. Poor leadership
Some societies in Africa decided to cooperate with colonialists because they had poor or weak leaders who were not militant confident to fight against colonial rule.
iii. To fight against their fellow Africans.
Some African societies collaborated with colonial rule invaders so as to get assistance to fight their fellow enemies who were strong militarily. For example Sangu, Bena and Yao collaborated with the Germany against Mkwawa of the Hehe.
iv. To get military/ weapon support.
African societies collaborated with colonialists because they wanted to get strong military weapons to defend their territories i.e. Nambongo Mumia of Wanga and Kabaka Mutesa collaborated with the British to get strong arms.
v. Fear and to promote peace and harmony.
Some societies in Africa decided to cooperate with colonialists due to the desire of maintenance of peace and harmony and avoiding warfare.
vi. Ignorance.
Ignorance of some Africans especially rulers [leaders] who did not understand the mission [intention] of colonialists through given gifts, fooled and persuaded them to sign bogus treaties
For example chief Mangungo of Msovero Kisola signed a bogus treaty with Karl peters. King Lobengula of shone and Ndebele signed bogus treaties with John Moffat
vii. Natural problems such as calamities/ disaster. Some societies in Africa suffered a lot with natural calamities such as drought, floods hunger etc which made them weak politically hence collaborating with the colonialists to get relief or assistance. For example the Maasai, the Chagga, the Kikuyu etc.
viii. The role of missionaries:-They played a great role to soften the African mind by preaching them to be humble and obidient to their masters, this lowered the African temper against colonial rule.
Resistance is the situation where by Africans fought in order to oppose European invasion or colonial rule.
Or is the opposition against colonial rule or control.
There are two forms of resistance or reaction against colonial rule employed/ applied by Africans and these are:
1. Active resistance
2. Passive resistance
is the form of resistance where by Africans took arms to fight against colonial rule, or active resistance is the one which Africans wage war to oppose colonial rule by destructing European properties like farms, killing Europeans and so on. Eg of African societies which applied active resistance against colonial systems were: Nyamwezi, under Isike, Hehe under Mkwawa and Yao under Machemba.
1. Presence of strong/ good leadership e.g. Samori Toure and Mkwawa.
2. Strong army.
3. Strong unity among the people.
4. Good war techniques.
5. Strong organizations/political systems.
6. Powerful socially and economically.
Is the form of resistance where by Africans did not take arms in opposing colonial rule or cooperating with colonialists.
Passive resistance is unarmed or nonviolence opposition against colonial control by refusing to pay taxes, production of cash crops, denied to work etc. an example of a society which applied passive resistance was Pogoro who refused to involve in colonial activities like cotton picking in southern Tanganyika.
1. Poor weapons
2. Absence of strong army; presence of weak army made some African societies to afraid to fight.
3. Weak leadership.
4. Poor unity among the people.
5. Presence of natural calamities for example floods, droughts.
6. Weak social and political organizations.
Almost many African societies resisted against imposition of colonial rule due to the following reasons:
1. To defend social and political sovereignty;
Many societies in Africa decided to resist colonial rule because colonialist wanted to interfere their social and political power. So African chiefs or leaders such as Mkwawa, Samora Toure and Kaberege etc took army to fight against it.
2. Interference of trade
Africans resisted against imposition of colonial rule because colonialists interfered with African trade monopolies which made Africans harsh towards colonialists hence resistance.
3. Interference of cultures
African resisted against imposition of colonial rule since colonialists wanted to interfere African culture such as religion, language etc.
4. Land alienation.
Africans resisted against imposition of colonial rule because colonialists took African’s land as a result Africans took arms to fight against this.
5. Forced labour
Many African societies imposed to resist once against colonial rule since colonialists forced them to work by force without payment in colonial activities like farms, construction of BOMAS etc. Examples of resistances were Majimaji, Nandi resistance, Chimulenga etc.
6. Introduction of taxation
Colonialists introduced different heavy taxes such as head tax, cattle tax, hut taxand matiti tax where Africans were forced to pay them as a result they resisted against the imposition of colonial rule.
7. Harsh rule
8. Africans were not ready to be colonized.
Africans resisted against the imposition of colonial rule because they were not ready to be colonized since they had their own system of governance and administration.
9. Beliefs of political and military strengths.
African societies were believed that they were powerful and strong in political and military as a result when colonialist came they opposed against them for example chief Machemba of Yao disobeyed Germany governor WISSMAN because he believed in his military power.
10. Colonial social segregation and discrimination.
Africans resisted against colonialist because Africans were segregated, oppressed and discriminated by them and treated as inferior in social, political and economic issues as a result Africans resisted them harshly
11. Alliance / collaboration between traditional enemies with the colonialists.
There are two main types of resistance namely:
1. Small scale resistance [ primary resistance]
2. Large scale resistance[secondary resistance]
Small scale resistance is the type of resistance which fought for a short period of time over a small area or small group of people.
Small scale resistance normally covered a small area fought on the basis of tribal lines occurred during penetration of colonialists i.e. the Nandi, Hehe, Nyamwezi etc.
Small scale resistance was influenced by local rulers [leaders] who organized their small groups of people to take army against European invaders to defend their territories.
1. The HEHE resistance [1891-1898]
2. The NYAMWEZI resistance [1891-1894]
3. The YAO resistance [1888]
4. The BUNYORO resistance[1893]
5. The MASAI [Kenya resistance 1895]
6. The NANDI resistance
HEHE resistance was a small scale resistance which occurred in 1891-1898 fought against Germany under the leadership of MKWAWA.
HEHE resistance was a small scale resistance fought between the HEHE tribe against Germany in 1891-1898 under the leadership of MKWAWA. HEHE resistance was among of the strong and powerful resistance imposed towards Germany colonial power since it fought for many years and brought a lot of damages, sufferings and disturbances to Germany because HEHE tribe under the leadership of MKWAWA had good war techniques inherited from the Ngoni tribe such as cow horns, short stubbing spears and long hide.
Therefore through good war techniques HEHE under MKWAWA formed a strongest kingdom and resisted against Germany rule than the rest resistance in East Africa.
1. Interference of Mkwawa’s leadership, Germany wanted to control Mkwawa and forced him to accept Germany control due to that Mkwawa disagreed to accept Germany rule.
2. To protect political and economical interests.
3. Interference of culture; Germany interfered Hehe culture such as polygamy belief in many systems etc which made the Hehe under the Mkwawa harsh hence fight against Germany.
4. Germany harsh rule; Germany ruled Hehe very harsh not respectful to the Hehe, they forced them to pay tax, to work and took their land as a result the Hehe fought against the Germany.
5. Killing of the Mkwawa’s delegates. Germany killed Mkwawa’s delegates who were sent to compromise as a result Mkwawa revenged by killing Germany commander known as EMIL VON ZELEWSKY and 300 African soldiers as a result war started. The name Mkwawa means conqueror of lands.
6. Germany’s occupation / control several areas in Tanganyika. Hehe under Mkwawa fought against the Germans because they wanted to control Ugogo, Uluguru, Usagaraand Mpwapwa which had 410 economic importances to the HEHE.
7. Blocking trade routes; Hehe resistance against Germany occurred following Mkwawa blocking all Germany caravan routes passed his area which disrupted the Germany trade hence conflicts started.
Due to the above reasons or causes of the Hehe resistance the war/fighting broke out which took a long period of time. The Germany attacked Mkwawa in 1891 following the killing of the Germany commander Emil von Zelewsky at Lugalo.
In 1894 Germany attacked Mkwawa’s capital known as Kalenga but Mkwawa succeeded to run away [escape] and started to fight the GORRILAS WARFARE until 1898.
In the same year 1898 Mkwawa while he was hiding himself he became sick. The Germans approached where he was hiding Mkwawa did not accept the shame of surrender to Germany while he was alive he shot himself in July 1898 and died.
Nandi resistance was a small scale resistance fought between the Nandi tribe in Kenya against British in 1896-1905 following the British occupation or control over the Nandi’s land.
Nandi resistance was a small scale resistance occurred in 1896-1905 when Nandi tribe in Kenya resisted against the British control over their land organized by a leader known as KOITALEL and ORKOLYOT.
The Nandi resistance occurred since the British invaded and occupied [control] the Nandi land by constructing [build] telegraphic lines and railways along the Nandi rift valley land which were fertile for crop production and livestock keeping. The Nandi were not happy for the construction of that railway lines and termed or called ”Iron snake”.
Therefore they started the resistance by attacking the British military position, uprooting and cutting wires, attacking the British caravan trade, raiding the railway deposits etc.
The Nandi did that because they believed that they had the superior weapons and military to fight British as they conquered the neighboring territories.
1. Introduction of the railway lines along the Nandi land. Nandi resisted against British because British constructed a railway line on the Nandi land which they defined on it for farming and livestock keeping.
2. Land problems or alienation. British took Nandi’s best and fertile land and gave it to the whites settlements as a result the Nandi fought against them.
3. The Nandi’s pride. The Nandi fought against the British because they believed that they were superior, strong and powerful socially, economically, politically, militarily and culturally hence did not want to be controlled.
4. The pressure from Kimnyoles prophecy; the Nandi decided to fight against the British because of the prophecy of the Kimnyole who foreseen the coming of foreigners on their land which made the Nandi to fight against the British after they arrived on their land.
5. The killing of the Nandi leader KOITALEL; Nandi’s resisted against the British following the killing of their leader known as Koitalel when he was called in the meeting of stopping the resistance.
1. The death of people. Nandi resistance led to the massive loss of people’s lives including leaders such as Koitalel, Orkolyot and other warriors.
2. British colonizing the Nandi land. The British defeated the Nandi during resistance as a result they took the Nandi land and made the Nandi to lost their sovereignty.
3. Destruction or damage of properties. The Nandi resistance led to the destroying of people’s properties including land, railways, telegraphic lines, killing of livestock, houses etc.
4. Hunger and famine. Nandi resistance led to the occurrence of hunger [food shortage] since resistance took many years and farms and cattle were killed during the fighting.
5. Migration of people. The Nandi resistance led to the restless of people because during and after the resistance people run away or migrated to other areas.
6. Land alienation. Nandi resistance led to many Nandi people to remain landless since after the resistance British took Nandi’s fertile land.
7. Nandi resistance led to the introduction of cheap labour, since those Nandi people had decided to be employed as cheap labours to the British settle farms.
8. Over grazing of some area. Nandi resistance led to the environmental degradation since the area which the Nandi pushed or migrated were not enough for cattle grazing.
Nyamwezi resistance was a small scale resistance against the Germany rule organized by Nyamwezi under their leader known as chief Isike in 1891-1894. The Nyamwezi resistance occurred as a result of German’s monopolization over Nyamwezi’s trade and passed through their land such as Ujiji and Mwanza which broke their first good trade relation.
The Nyamwezi started resistance under their leader chief Isike in 1891 in order to avoid the Germany control; but due to poor weapons the German attacked Isike’s fort and destroyed it. Chief Isike decided to blow up [kill himself] together with his family in the gun powder magazine rather than being captured by Germany.
The influence from Isike leadership. Isike was regarded as strong and powerful leader so he organized his people to fight against German rule.
The land conflicts. Germany wanted to control the Nyamwezi’s land as they did in other areas in Tanganyika as a result Nyamwezi resisted against the German control.
1. Absence of strong army.
2. Poor weapons.
3. Disunity among the people.
4. Poor fighting techniques.
5. Poor war organizations etc.
YAO resistance was small scale resistance which fought between the YAO against the Germans in 1890-1899 under the leadership of Chief MWENE MACHEMBA.
The Yao resistance was an active resistance since Machemba organized his people actively and was able to defeat three Germany companies sent to him..After machemba to defeat Germany companies; the German Governor forced Machemba to leave his place but he refused as a result German took up army against machemba and attacked Machemba’s fort in 1899. Machemba managed to escape into Mozambique and left his fellow imprisoned as a result the Yao resistance failed hence Germany took control over the Yao‘s southern region of Tanganyika.
1. Interference of Yao’s territory. The Germany wanted to control the Yao’s territory which made Yao under Machemba to fight activity against it.
2. The conflict between Machemba and the Germany. Machemba defeated three German companies as a result German took up army to fight.
3. Machemba’s rejection to surrender. The Germany forced Machemba to surrender by leaving his place to the coast as a result Germany waged for the war.
4. Introduction of taxes.
5. Forced labour. The German forced Yao to work without or with low payment as a result people took up arms against Germany.
Abushiri and Bwana Heri resistance was a small scale resistance which occurred along the coastal region of Tanganyika where by rich Arabs and local traders organized to fight against the British and the German interference on their trade in 1888-1889.
1. “While some societies resisted the imposition of the colonial rule in Africa others appeared to collaborate”. Discuss this context giving concrete examples from East Africa. (NECTA-2000)
2. “African resistances against the imposition of colonial rule failed due to Africans’ technological backwardness”. Discuss (NECTA-2003)
3. What brought about the Chimurenga war in Southern Rhosedia in 1896-1897? (NECTA-2005)
4. With concrete examples show why the conflict between Africans and the whites during the colonial period was inevitable. (NECTA-2007)
5. Through their activities the missionaries become forerunners of colonialism. Justify this statement. (NECTA-2007)
6. The maji-maji war of 1905-1907 in Tanganyika remains a symbol of the African struggle against colonial rule. Justify (NECTA-2008)
7. Account for the Nandi resistance against their land occupation by the British. (NECTA-2009)
8. With examples from East or west Africa, show how company rule helped to create European colonization in Africa. (NECTA-2010)
Thanks for this history.
ReplyDeletenice document for research
ReplyDeleteA good research material
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ReplyDeleteGood material for research. Thank you as you will add more.
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ReplyDeleteNice material and it's very understandable